Faith Producers International Podcast




TAKE THAT HEAVENLY WALKABOUT When I was a teenager, my father purchased 40 acres south of Oregon City and developed a small farm with cows and horses. When you have animals, you need a fence, and this particular fence is electric. Guess who was called upon to check the fence when it stopped working? You guessed it me. "George, check the fence out; somethings not working," and off I go into the dark. Summer, winter, wind rain, and snow, young George was off to check the fence out around the 40 acres. By the time I was ready for marriage and time to leave the farm. I knew every square inch of that 40 acres because I did a walkabout 1000 times.  When I was home, Dad bought an extra 5 acres next to the 40 with a barn somewhere in that time. You'd be right if you knew who helped put all the hay up every year into that barn. I tell you, I knew every square inch of that barn because I had surveyed it. God has given you a kingdom to watch over, survey, and walkabout. It is your job to know every corner, every fence p