Trinity Lutheran Church (wels, Woodbridge, Va)

Trinity of Woodbridge Sermon, 4-7-2023: Jesus Gives the Best Meal – and it Lasts



The Sermon for Friday, April 7th, 2023, is based on multiple verses. Tonight’s Focus: The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for sinners is the focus of his Church on Good Friday. This day captures the juxtaposition of Jesus’ cross: our sin causes Jesus’ death, a death he willingly suffers in love to give us forgiveness and life eternal. Law and gospel, sin and grace, collide at the cross resulting in the death for One and life for all who believe! Sermon Given By: Paul Jenkins Trinity Lutheran Church is located in Woodbridge, VA, USA and is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). If you would like more information about our congregation, please visit or Welcome!  If you are a visitor, please consider joining us in-person at our worship services each Sunday at 8:30AM and 11AM. If you would like Pastor Jenkins to contact you, please find our contact info here: Download the worship fold