Life With Ash Elisé




Today, we’ll be talking about “A TIME TO BUILD: THE BREAKDOWN” In the beginning of this year, I asked the Lord for a WORD to describe the theme of 2023. He told me the word is BUILD. In this episode, l discuss what the Lord spoke to me regarding the first stage of BUILDING which is usually the BREAKDOWN. I want to remind you that You are ALREADY equipped. You probably don’t need more Training &/or preparation. You have to know that God will supply for you AS you step out and start building! Your provision will come in when you accept what God is saying, begin doing what he’s said, & do the work! If you feel like you’ve been in a season where God had been BREAKING you & your life has been in the midst of a BREAKDOWN, this episode is for YOU! Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to my channel, SHARE this with someone who needs it, & LISTEN as many times as you need to! Stay connected with me: INSTAGRAM ( FACEBOOK (