Super Movie Ball Podcast

050 - Violent Cop[1989] with our guest JON



050 - Violent Cop [1989] with our guest JON The world IS crazy. 
If Beat Takeshi does not sue me, he will find me and hit with a hurricane of 1,000 slaps. Japanese Dirty Harry style cop is worth an hour long discussion, old skool SMB baby. The Violence Police Constable nudge kicks his way into your heart. Whether you want him to or not. FATTY EPISODE coming at ya'. As always thanks for listening and enjoy the episode.

 Big ol' sloppy thanks to Jon for being on the show. Check out the Cinema Slop podcast, plz&thnx. 
 Hugs and high-fives to my man RilesBowman[TWITTER] for the voice\effects of SPEW 2.0. 
 Special thanks to Zakku for the Intro\Outro Music - "Fantasy Valley" Please follow at @NamedZak[TWITTER]. Support a creative artist and buy something. Music for your robot ears. Additional Music By: Daisaku Kume 
 Love the show? Hate the show? Let us show-uh, um, I mean let us know. @SuperMovieBall[TWITTER]

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