Shakespeare And Company

✖️On Art, Alternative Histories, and the Arbitrariness of Life with Catherine Lacey✖️



Biography of X is one of the most intriguing, compelling and vertigo-inducing reads of recent years. Structured and referenced like a biography—written by one CM Lucca—the central contention of the book is Lucca’s quest to unearth the origins and influences of X, the celebrated artist known by a single letter. It also calls into question how much we — as biographers, as readers, as fans, as lovers — can ever really pin down “who” anybody is at all.Buy Biography of X here:*In addition to Biography of X, Catherine Lacey is the author of four books: Nobody Is Ever Missing, The Answers, Certain American States and Pew. Her work has appeared in Harper’s, Vogue, the New York Times and elsewhere. She is a Granta Best of Young American Novelist, a Guggenheim Fellow and the winner of the 2021 New York Public Library’s Young Lions Fiction Award. Adam Biles is Literary Director at Shakespeare and Company. Buy a signed copy of his n