Mr Barton Maths Podcast

How to plan a maths lesson with Craig Latimir



Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast, with me Craig Barton. This time around I spoke to maths teacher, Craig Latimir. We discussed Craig's process for planning a maths lesson. I asked Craig the following questions, and plenty more: What did your lesson planning process used to look like, and what problems did this lead to in the classroom? What are your overall principles of planning now? Do you plan in terms of individual lessons, or a sequence of lessons, or a hybrid? And then Craig takes us through the key phases of a lesson, describing how he plans them and exactly how they play out in the lesson, including The Do Now Exposition Modelling Checking for understanding Responsive teaching  Practice End I have entitled this episode how to plan a maths lesson, but I suspect the key principles could apply to other subjects. So please feel free to share with your non-maths colleagues if you think this is the case. Resources and videos from the episode: F