Abdullah Salafy

المنظومة اللامية لشيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله



This is a recital of the Laamiyyah poem which is ascribed to Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah(rahimahullaah). It is only 16 verses of poetry, easy to memorize, and a great starting point in memorization for a child or a beginner in knowledge. This qaseedah has a written manuscript in Jaami’ah Malik Saud (no. 6/1928), being written in the year 1353H), and it is found alongside two other works, al-Wasiyyah al-Kubraa, and al-Adillah al-Bayyinah, both of which are known works of Ibn Taymiyyah. It has been mentioned by the Scholar of Iraq, Nu’maan al-Alusi (rahimahullaah), in his excellent book “Jalaa’ al-Aynayn Fee Muhaakamah al-Ahmadayn.” Shaykh Abd al-Salaam bin Burjis (rahimahullaah) included this qaseedah as being amongst the poetry of Ibn Taymiyyah in his work, “al-Saheeh min al-Nadhm al-Faseeh Li Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah” and a number of Scholars have explanations of this qaseedah, from the contemporaries Shaykh Saalih al-Suhaymee and also Shaykh Ahmad al-Mardawi (d. 1236H) almost two hundred years a