Ned Specktor




In 2016 I did my first ever Motivational Musical called The Movement. It took me a year to watch the show back as it was cringe worthy at moments so I took all of 2017 to rework the show. I am still working on it every week but 2018 WILL be the year this show comes to life. I renamed it LIFEPARTY as I always said I love that feeling when you go to a wedding and I wanted more opportunities to celebrate life :) So LIFEPARTY is a celebration of YOUR best life. Tools to thrive in all areas all set to music. Picture a theatre setting with a DJ and band and each section will have a theme and tool you can implement to live a better, happier, healthier, and more fun fulfilled life. We’ll cover self confidence, exercise, nutrition, sleep, meditation, happiness at work, passion projects, love, gratitude, and time management. It will be a party to celebrate your BEST life. We’ll sing, we’ll dance, we’ll learn. Get ready cause I’m bringin’ the