Ned Specktor

Suicide Prevention



Last week I had the opportunity to take a three day intensive training course on suicide prevention. What stuck with me the most is this...if you feel like someone may be suicidal, be brave and ask them the question and use the word suicide in your question. Give them the gift of letting them be heard. Be an active listener and give them a safe environment to talk. There is extreme power in this. Problem solve WITH them and not for them. Ask them what has worked in the past when they have felt like this and gotten through it. Time is of the essence so don’t hesitate to have the conversation. It has been reported that 47% of people who nearly died in a suicide attempt, said less than an hour elapsed between deciding on suicide and making the attempt. Here is the @nationalsuicideprevention number: 1-800-273-8255. Please keep this number in your phone in case you need it. If you’d like to hear more about the training please let me know. A HUGE thank you to Daniel Syme for including me in