

How do you build a real estate portfolio when you’re already too busy with work, family, and life in general? In this episode, you’ll hear from a busy computer software engineer who’s married with two children. Despite the daily time crunch, he's ventured into real estate, learned a few hard lessons, and is now sharing his story with us on the Real Wealth Show.   Ron Quintos started buying rental properties in 2001 but didn’t really know what he was doing until 2010, after the housing market crashed. He calls himself a “born again investor” because he was able to bring his investments back to life. His investments include single-family properties in Illinois, Alabama, Maryland, Texas, and a property under contract in Florida. He has also invested in mobile home park and apartment syndications, but he’s now realizing that he prefers good ol’ single-family rental homes.   Ron recently attended one of our real estate property tours in Dallas which you’ll hear about in this interview. We have several more tours p