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Six Simple Ways To Manage Your Self-Care



To be clear, self-care is not just the latest buzzphrase in the wellness community. Research has shown that if you do not increase your level of self-care, you risk not being able to manage your physical, mental, or spiritual health. Self-care simply means taking better care of yourself, putting your needs first more often, and doing things that make you happy. In this episode, you will learn six simple ways that you can manage your self-care: Get active  Eat Healthier Take Your Medication Wash Your Hands Connect With Community Create an Emergency Kit Self-care can no longer be something you put on the back burner; your health cannot wait for you to make it a priority. Work deadlines, community events, and family obligations will go unattended if you are laid up because you did not effectively manage your health. You have spent your whole life putting others first. Isn’t it time to remember that you are important, that you matter? My answer would be yes. With Peace and Love, Renee Be sure to