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Episode 15 Don’t Wait Until Next Year! Three Tips to Help You Get Back on Track



Hello, my friends,  In today's episode, I am sharing three tips to help you get back on track with your wellness goals.  No need to put your health on the back burner even if you are not where you hoped you would be when you made your New Year's resolution at the beginning of the year. The tips are simple, show yourself some grace, move your body, and connect with your tribe.  I will show you how.  Remember, self-care must be your priority if your goal is to reverse or successfully manage your prediabetes. When you function at your highest level, every area of your life is better, and your work, relationships, health, and finances will shine because you decided to put yourself first. Remember, you are stronger than you give yourself credit and more blessed than you know. With Peace and Love, Renee Click Here to Register for The Healing Circle! Don't Let Diabetes Win Our Monthly Support/ Workshop for midlife women navigating a prediabetes or Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis: November's Topic Why I