Talkhouse Podcast

Pedro the Lion with Tomberlin



Tbh, we didn’t mean to make our last episode before Christmas one that explores two fantastic singer-songwriters’ experiences growing up in very religious Christian homes and the effect it’s had on their art, but here we are — and it’s a damn fine talk! David Bazan (Pedro the Lion) and Sarah Beth Tomberlin (Tomberlin) are big fans of each other’s music, and jumped at the chance to meet via a Talkhouse Podcast episode. They got on so well, they’ve decided to hit the road together throughout February! You can find those dates at and hopefully catch them in your city; in the meantime, enjoy this conversation that takes in Sarah Beth’s experiences at bible school; David’s assessment of the biggest lie of Christianity; and finding personal salvation in ... the Beatles. Check it out. Subscribe now to stay in the loop on future episodes of the Talkhouse Podcast. Thanks so much to all of you listeners for an incredible year here at the Talkhouse Podcast; we truly appreciate the millions of you that tu