
Episode #8 - Year End Review: Thank You!



Well folks, 2015 is already coming to an end and we cannot thank you all enough for your support. We have enjoyed bringing TrailManners to life and we absolutely could not have done it without you. It's like making a killer sandwich - if no one is there to eat it any good? We have received some great feedback and even a few people seemed surprised it turned out as well as it has and we are good with that. 2016 is already panning out to be fun filled and amazing. We have several quality guests lined up and more in the works. Our website is ready for the next step as well. We hope to make it a great place for everyone to come and enjoy some great articles and learn a thing or two.We hope you enjoy Episode #8 and please feel free to reach out to us- who do you want to hear from, what do you want to hear about, do you wanna be a guest, do you have a hidden talent for writing and are okay with being paid in high-5's?Thanks again and thanks to everyone who backed our Kickstarter campaign- WE DID IT! If you