Geek Herring

Geek Interview: Passion, Beauty, and Art with Seage



Geek feminism is about issues that affect women across geek culture... and sometimes, those issues also affect the awesome geeky dudes in our community. Today, we're talking with Seage, an artist whose art styles mainly around drawing beautiful women in fantasy settings. Seage shares what it's like for him to be an artist online. Some of his experiences may surprise you, especially the disappointment some of his followers feel and tell him about when they find out that Seage is actually a dude. He also gives us some insight into what his thought process was when considering drawing erotic art and why, ultimately, he decided not to pursue this.We also talk about Seage's other passion: Electric Unicycle riding. Yes, really! Seage has recently started using one of these crazy awesome contraptions to get around the busy city of Toronto. He's also joined a local EU club so they can go on day trips together. Seage is passionate about getting more representation into this community and is actively encouraging women