Martini Mortgage Podcast




Certified Mortgage Advisor and Raleigh mortgage broker Kevin Martini hosts episode 174 of the Martini Mortgage Podcast called: Reality Here are some main points discussed in this informative episode about mortgage rates and real estate. Perception vs. Reality: Many people base their reality on their perception of a headline or article they didn't read, leading to an information crisis about housing. Mortgage Rates: Mortgage rates are still below their historical average and provide an unprecedented opportunity for homebuyers today. Ultimate Homebuying and Mortgage Guide: The Spring 2023 edition of the Martini Buyer Guide was created to provide a straightforward explanation of the current real estate and mortgage markets. It features informative articles that address crucial aspects of home buying and mortgage application processes, and it’s the perfect guide for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in the real estate market. Inflation: Inflation erodes bond returns and causes higher yields,