So Very Wrong About Games

#213: Omnibus Questions Charlie Bravo



We received a number of questions of a more personal nature which we have decided not to address. This is only partially out of a sense of privacy. Rather, we are firmly of the editorial position that the show is best when we focus on games, rather than the personal details of the hosts. We pride ourselves in only wasting a certain amount of your valuable time, and were we to indulge in more personal digressions that could easily balloon the show well beyond the limits of absurdity. 01:08 AYURIS: Flotilla (J.B. Howell & Michael Mihealsick, WizKids, 2019)Games Played Last Week:04:10 -Ark Nova (Mathias Wigge, Feuerland Spiele, 2021)07:26 -Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape (Alex Olteanu & Marco Portugal, CMON, 2022)11:40 -Foundations of Rome (Emerson Matsuuichi, Arcane Wonders, 2022)13:31 -Planet Unknown (Ryan Lambert & Adam Rehberg, Adam's Apple Games, 2022)17:45 -Ghosts of Christmas (Taiki Shinzawa,, 2022)20:00 -Imperium: The Contention (Gary Dworetsky, Contention Games, 2021)21