So Very Wrong About Games

#228: It's a Wonderful World/Kingdom



Not every game needs to be four huge boxes full of other boxes and plastic. Some can be delightfully simple games... with boxes that are too big due to crowdfunding. Other games could be underappreciated Reiner Knizia classics brought to a new underappreciating audience! Via, I guess, the medium of crowdfunding. Hm. I suppose I don't have a point, except that we, like pearls before swine or a Knizia before a gamer, are ungrateful contradictory ingrates.Games Played Last Week:01:58 -Meadow (Klemens Kalicki, Rebel Studio, 2021)07:26 -Chronicles of Avel (Przemek Wojtkowiak, Rebel Studio, 2021)10:42 -Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape (Alex Olteanu & Marco Portugal, CMON, 2022)13:36 -Noli (Jack Caesar & Alessio Cavatore, River Horse Ltd., 2022)18:40 -Barrage: The Leeghwater Project (Tommaso Battista & Simone Luciani, Cranio Creations, 2019)22:30 -Stephenson's Rocket (Reiner Knizia, Pegasus Spiele, 1999)25:19 -The Mirroring of Mary King (Jim Felli, Devious Weasel Games, 2022)29:05 -Oathsworn: Into t