Pastor Patrick Nyaga's Podcast

Episode 15: The Power of Your Faith, Words And Actions



WHEN OUR ACTIONS DON’T MATCH OUR WORDS.Prophet Isaiah prophesied saying: ’These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ Matthew 15:7-9 (NKJV)We often hear people say one thing but their actions don't match their words. In our spiritual lives such hypocrisy is particularly offensive to God.I. IF YOU "TALK THE TALK" YOU NEED TO "WALK THE WALK"We read in Luke 6:46 where our Lord asked a straightforward question: "Why do you call me ’Lord, Lord’ and do not the things which I say."A person may hide their deception from their fellow man but every attempt to do so with God will inevitably fail.II. WHY DO MEN ENGAGE IN SUCH DECEPTION?It stems from a spiritual "heart problem". Our text makes this clear in the phrase: "but their heart is far from Me."The Bible teaches that what is in the heart of a man determines what kind of a man he is. Consider Proverbs 23:7 "For as a man thinks