Not A Mama Yet

EP28 Talia Caldwell: Building community, playing professional basketball overseas, and starting the Echo Park Fund



This week on the podcast, I am sharing one of my favorite episodes with one of my favorite people, and my birthday twin, Talia Caldwell. Talia and I attended middle and high school together and have been friends ever since. I have been lucky enough to be around one of the most impressive, kind, open, intelligent, and loving people for almost 20 years. I cherish any time I get to spend with her when she isn’t overseas playing professional basketball. On this episode we talk about community. How it shapes us, how it impacts us, and how we develop long lasting, meaningful relationships throughout the different seasons of our lives. Talia is endless wisdom in my opinion. In 2020, she started the Echo Park Fund supporting the unhoused in the Echo Park community with necessary resources. The continued success of the Echo Park Fund is a reflection on the impact she has had on so many people and spaces in Los Angeles. In my opinion, we need about 6 billion more people like Talia and this world would be a better place