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RealEstate: Investing in Tax Liens, Syndication Funds & Out-of-State Rental Property



Life is full of risk. And the risk helps us be smarter, and more strategic in the things we do. Unfortunately, the fear of failure can keep people from ever even trying. And then when we do try and fail, then going for it again can be terrifying. But I assure you, anyone who is a pro at anything took a lot of falls. Our guest today knew real estate was risky, but he was willing to jump in anyway. He learned some tough lessons, but he pulled himself back up and jumped back in. Now he's doing some really cool things with tax liens that I can't wait to share with you. and he's using those profits to buy cash flow rentals in growing markets. Darnell Randall was born and raised in Los Angeles, where owning real estate can be pretty cost prohibitive. So he's found other options. And while some didn't work out as expected, he didn't give up. Today he's here to share what's working and what his plans are next. He's a regular member at our RealWealth events, and we're so happy to have him here on the Real Wealth Show!