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What Demographics Can Tell Us About Our Cultural, Economic & Political Future



The economy exists by and for the benefit of people. Yet so often, even today, many economists miss the mark when it comes to understanding demographics. In this episode of the Real Wealth Show, you’ll hear from an internationally respected demographer who has been able to forecast economic, cultural and political phenomena with uncanny accuracy. Ken Gronbach is president of KGC Direct, LLC and author of “Upside: Profiting from the Profound Demographic Shifts Ahead“ and “The Age Curve: How To Profit from the Coming Demographic Storm.” Every time I do an interview like this, I think, I better get off my behind and buy some more real estate even if the numbers don't pencil as nicely as they did a few years ago. If you feel the same way, and you’d like to find income property in some of the fastest growing areas, consider booking a free consultation with one of our experienced RealWealth investment counselors by joining the network (for free!) at And please remember to subscribe to our