

If you’re interested in becoming a landlord and would like to avoid some of the mistakes that other investors have made, you’ll learn a lot from this interview. Our guest became an accidental landlord and found out the hard way that active management of rentals can be a lot of work. He quickly learned that having good property managers that send you checks every month is the way to go. In this episode, Jim Pfeifer tells some interesting stories about the mistakes he’s made so you don’t have to repeat them. Jim is a former financial advisor and stock market investor who has turned his attention to real assets. It wasn’t his choice to become a landlord at first, but after he saw the potential for passive wealth, he was hooked. He’s been involved with single-family and multi-family rental units as a landlord, but is currently focused on syndications. He has more than 45 passive syndications under his belt including apartments, mobile homes, self-storage, private lending and notes, ATM’s, commercial and industria