

Investors are always looking for steep discounts on cash flowing properties in high-growth markets. But what if you could also get health insurance, a college education and an EU passport as part of the investment? And while you're at it, let’s throw in an annual luxury week-long vacation that's included in the purchase price!  Sound too good to be true?  Investors from over the world have discovered it is very true, which is why they are flocking to buy property in Portugal through the country’s "Golden Visa" Program. Similar to America’s “Opportunity Zone” program, Portugal is attracting investor capital by offering incentives to investors. Those incentives are increasing the country’s GDP by improving run-down or underdeveloped neighborhoods -- with the promise of citizenship as a reward. And just like the Opportunity Zone program in the US, areas that receive those investor dollars have become very hip and trendy. I first heard about the program when one of my business partners, who happens to be European