Network Marketing Heroes: Host Richard Bliss Brooke

Wendy Bakke - Yoli



With no college degree and no previous MLM experience, Wendy Bakke’s desire to turn her family’s life around organically grew into a team of over 10,000 (which happens to be more than the population of the town she lives in).    In 2008, fresh off a home foreclosure due to Hurricanes Gustav and Ike, as well as the recession taking a toll on her husband’s construction business, Wendy and her family started over when they moved from Louisiana to a small town in Iowa. Fortunately, where you live does not dictate your success in Network Marketing. But it wasn’t a quick start for this Yoli leader. In Wendy’s first year, she only sponsored 2 people and was ready to just give up. So how did she turn things around so significantly? Listen and find out!