Ged Test Audio Lessons, Audio Ged Prep Project

Audio GED Prep Language Arts Lesson 2 2023


Sinopsis Full Course is available at: For $59.99   Lesson Summary: Audio GED Prep Language Arts Lesson 2 Using Punctuation Punctuation is an important part of writing properly and is a skill being lost in a world dominated by technology. The period is used at the end of a declarative sentence and after some abbreviations such as “Mr.” or “A.M.” The exclamation point shows strong emotion and is used after a strong command or interjection, such as “No!” Exclamation points should only be used sparingly and never more than one at a time. The question mark is used to show that a sentence is a question. You should not use more than one or combine it with an exclamation point in formal writing. Only use a question mark after a direct question. Commas are used in a variety of situations. They can be used in a list of items, separating stings of numbers, elements in dates and addresses, and used to separate introductory material from the rest of the s