Canadian True Crime

UPDATED: The Renfrew County Massacre



ONTARIO  The updated story of the worst-ever case of intimate-partner violence in Ontario—and one of the worst in Canadian history.  In 2015, the lives of three women - Nathalie Warmerdam, Anastasia Kuzyk and Carol Culleton - were snuffed out within hours of each other in a violent murder spree that could have been prevented.Resources for Domestic ViolenceCanada: you’re in an abusive relationship - and how to get helpSongs for Murdered Sisters 2023 Mini TourNow called Atwood, Heggie & Brahms - see ticket info hereWebsite: Podcast recommendation: Devil in the DormIn late 2010, a middle-aged man moved into his daughter's college dorm and created what has all the hallmarks of a cult. Over the decade that followed, he extorted millions of dollars from vulnerable young adults through violence, psychological torture, and forced sex work. You can listen to Law&Crime’s Devil in