Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

HealthNews RoundUp- 3rd Week of February, 2019



Vidcast: https://youtu.be/QIl0mnUlt9A I’m Dr. Howard Smith, PENTA Medical Network,  reporting from NYC with the Health News Roundup for the THIRD week of FEBRUARY, 2019.  This is Health News You Should Use, the latest medical discoveries that you can use in a practical way to keep yourself and your family healthy.   Here are the headlines: Women’s Hormones Drive Them To Addiction  New Weed More Powerful and Dangerous Than The Classic Five For Five Ways To Avoid Fake Health News Advil With or Without Tylenol Controls Post-op Pain Like Opioids Sleep Enhances Your Immunity Is Bottle Feeding With Pumped Breast Milk Equal To Breastfeeding? Firstborn Children Bully Their Sibs Can You Tell If Your Kids Had A Good Night’s Sleep? Diet Drinks Unhealthy For Women Smoking May Kill Your Color Vision Acupuncture Damps Hot Flashes FUTUREMed: Glowing Urine Signals Transplant Rejection Tough Laws Don’t Lower Teen Weed Use Women’s Yeast Infection Therapy Can Drive Miscarriages TRY A LITTLE KINDNESS: Immersive Virtual Reality R