York Story Slam

A Time Like No Other



Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.   On January 17, nine storytellers shared their stories with our audience at Archetype Pizza in downtown York.   The theme for our January story slam was A TIME LIKE NO OTHER. We heard stories about the birth of a child, shared moments with loved ones, and pre-cellphone era adventures.   In the end, we had a tie. Our first winner was Matt McDunnell, with his story of giving an elementary school bully his comeuppance.   Matt earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Our second winner was David MacVeigh, who shared about the characters he encountered in his role as a public defender.   Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Michelle Dacey, who shared how her father’s terminal illness brought her family together for a few final days.   All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return at the end of the season to compete for the title of