Business Conversations With Clive Enever

Business Conversation: How to build grow and scale a business with Johann Nogueria



Whether you're starting out, scaling up or branching out, at some point we all ponder how best to grow our business. Problem solver and business fixer Johann Nogueira is an expert in this space, having helped 1000s of businesses worldwide improve their bottom line. In this Podcast, Johann joins me to share his unique insight and expertise, looking at four key areas of strategy, innovation, marketing, and technology. Key takeaways from this episode include: •Building a business that runs without you •Amplifying your tribe •Scaling with allies Johann's clients range from top tier banks to private business owners. But they all have one thing in common - all of them have profited significantly from Johann's expertise. Many clients acknowledge that Johann's efforts and ideas have led to millions of dollars of profit increase and that he is their secret weapon in their war chest. Each week I'm joined by a new guest to dive into the many facets of business. Subscribe to my podcast here to join the Business C