Trinity For Norman

Day 147 Online Bible Reading Club ”The Good Shepherd” (2 Chronicles 1-3; John 10:1-23)



Here is the plan we are using for this series: Recap of Content in this video: 2 Chron 1-3 continues the story of Israel's golden age of David/Solomon ruling over a united Kingdom. In this section, Solomon sets out to build the world's most elaborate temple to be a "house" for the name of Lord. Consider how the work of Christ fulfills his grace, God dwells with freed slaves, like Israel, our true slavery was not Egypt, but our sin. Who are we to be brought out of slavery and into the loving mercies and power of God? In John 10:1-23, we see Jesus' continued rebuke of the Pharisees. This time he uses a metaphor, "I am the Good Shepherd who lays down his life," which can only make sense because of Jesus' obeying the Father's will to achieve perfect active and passive obedience for our salvation. The unfolding of the glory of God in the work of Christ to save sinners is the center of the message of scripture, not, go and follow Jesus' example. W