Tommie Kelly Podcast

Questions & Answers October 2020



Video version: Questions and timestamps to the answers: 0:00 Introduction 1:12 - The best comic book ever? 3:16 - Have you got anything planned for this Halloween 40 servants related? 4:19 - What's an occult or paranormal conspiracy theory you enjoy that you think is absolutely true? 6:56 - What things do you feel you've outgrown or "seen through" on your journey? 11:52 - Solipsism, Magical Thinking, and Chaos Magick? 16:59 - What are your thoughts on the relationship between chaos magic and folk magic? 18:59 - Around the world, there are plenty of places associated with magic, where would you like to visit and why? 20:35 - Any rituals/workings you want to do, but are also a bit scared/hesitant to do? 22:50 - Psychological model vs the Spiritual Model 26:13 - Do you see group Egregors as the modernization of the daemon model? 29:26 - Has Alan Watts influenced your practice? 30:19 - How would you go about making a servitor last for a long amount of time without