Tommie Kelly Podcast

The Most Significant Magical Transformation I've Witnessed? - April 2022 Q&A



VIDEO VERSION: THE QUESTIONS: 01:15 Do you speak Irish? If not do you wish you did? 03:24 How DARE you? 05:25 What's the most significant transformation you've witnessed in yourself or another that came about through practising woo? 12:47 What's your "pie-in-the-sky" pipe dream for AIWW? Yearly get together, formal school, church, etc? 16:20 On one of the episodes of Duncan Barford's podcast last year he spoke about how the pair of you had talked about spontaneous dream recollection during meditation sessions. Could we hear your take on this phenomenon: is it worth paying attention to experiences like this and if so how do you like to think about them? 22:02 Is Éliphas Lévi's "Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic" still a relevant book in today's world? 27:16 When one makes a servitor, roughly how much of your energy goes into it? And can you replenish that energy, or wait till the servitor dies before you get the energy back? If you ever get the energy back? 31:41 What would