Court Leader's Advantage

Courts and Ethics: Should the U.S. Supreme Court Adopt a Code of Conduct?



January 17th, 2023, Court Leader’s Advantage Podcast Episode Every state in our nation has a Judicial Code of Conduct. Every judge in each state is obligated to follow that state’s Code.  Since 1973, most Federal judges have been subject to The Code of Conduct for United States Judges.  There is only group exempt from the duty to follow these codes. That group consists of the Justices of the United States Supreme Court. To be fair over the years, accusations of scandal have been rare within the Court. Until recently one had to go back to Abe Fortas who in 1969 was accused of accepting a retainer from a private foundation. Lately however claims of bias have been on the rise. Justices are known to receive monetary advances for book deals. There have been accusations of inappropriate public comments; premature information on upcoming decisions disclosed; even draft opinions leaked. As a result, public approval of the Court has sharply declined. A recent Gallup Poll showed 40% of the public approving of