Game Of Microphones: A Game Of Thrones Podcast

Rider In The Night BONUS EPISODE 1 - Ser Patrick -



Join Ser Patrick of the Hindsight and take a ride in his green Lamborghini and deep down into the rabbit hole of Westeros, Atlantis, Lemuria, “deus ex machina”, volcanic eruptions, hollow earth, GRRM inserting his favorite crazy/cool real world theories into his writings, Hardhome, Beyond The Wall and major windging from the fan community, water/R’Hllor-related resurrections hidden in plain sight, Jon waking the Dragon (Dany) from stone (Dragonstone) and being reborn amidst salt as smoke and beneath a bleeding star in Beyond the Wall, and so much more in the first Rider In The Night Bonus Episode.  Thanks for listening, everyone! And we'll be back next week to continue our Series Rewatch!     Check out Ser Duncan on this weeks Season 3 premier of SIRENICIDE as Malak Husto!! Go to or download it wherever you get your podcasts!! Please *support Game of Microphones for free* by trying Audible free for a month and getting a free audiobook at  It helps a lot and you don