Fade To Gray

E37: Abortion... Can We Fade to Gray?



The SheCasters take over again to bring up a Very polarizing topic. Abortion.  We talked with three dear friends of the podcast, having them share their stories, in hopes that they would help us all show grace to all of those involved in such a difficult decision. Our intention in discussing such a heavy topic is to suggest that MAYBE this issue isn’t as black and white as the church and politicians want to make it. Maybe, just maybe, we can Fade To Gray.  *please know* We love every one involved in the episode and everyone of our listeners, and realize that this may be a very difficult episode to listen to. Our intention is not to shame any of the individuals on this episode, nor any of our listeners. Please know that the content may be triggering to some people. Feel free to turn off the episode if you are struggling. And REACH OUT if you need a friend.  Follow us on social media @fadetograypodcast and join our patreon at www.fadetograypodcast.com  Our very own Elizabeth Williams has started her own podcast