Conquer Local With George Leith

521: Personal Branding | Libby Gill



Executive coach, leadership expert, and award-winning author - Libby Gill guides organizations to build a culture based on an inspiring vision of the future. We are so lucky to have such an enthralling guest join us this week. Libby speaks on the 3-step process: Clarify the vision for life (professional and personal), simplify the pathway for yourself (we clutter lives with things that don't matter), then execute! Personal branding. Even if you work for that big company- they have the logo and the brand, but who are you?! Yes, it is tough to try and promote yourself when you’ve never been visible. Whether it be analysis paralysis in saying “What will people think of me? They’re going to think I’m bragging” or perhaps the old sales excuse of “I can promote anyone but myself!”. Become more confident in your expertise and realize that you have something to say. This is marketing, self-promotion is not a bad thing.Libby has been featured on NPR, the Today Show, in the New York Times, Time Magazine, and The Wa