Vancouver Presale Condos Podcast

VPCP #14 | Cambridge Estates in Fort St. John with Dave Steele, CEO of Western Canadian Properties Group



Beat the Land Rush - the Top 5 Reasons to Invest in Northeast BC Real Estate Now! #1) The largest private investment in Canadian history - LNG CANADA – has just been approved. The economic impact of this $40 Billion investment on Northeast BC will be unprecedented. #2) The first phase of the project, demanding two billion feet per day, will create an estimated 20,000 jobs, $500 million additional government revenue, and 3.7 Billion in GDP growth.  #3) The agreements with First Nations bands are already in place along the Trans Canada pipeline route; the valid permits are in place; the 4.7-Billion-dollar pipeline is a go! #4) The Site C Dam workforce is growing and just exceeded 3,500 employees – a new height. This clean energy project will produce enough energy to power the equivalent of 45,000 homes per year in British Columbia. #5) AltaGas just teamed up with Black Swan Energy in a Northeast BC deal worth $230 million. This time get in on the ground floor!    The economic impact of these massive investments