Smb Community Podcast By Karl W. Palachuk

We are rebooted for 2023!



New music, new intro, new everything. We reboot the entire podcast format, and welcome new host Amy Luby. Our Hosts are:  Amy Babinchak - James Kernan - Amy Luby - Karl Palachuk - Call for help: Amy is looking for robots out in the wild! Connect with her via LinkedIn. Stay tuned for a show on AI chat and how you might use that. Please like, subscribe, and share. We look forward to a great new format! – – –  Sponsor Note: NSITSP By now you've heard of the National Society of IT Service Providers. But why should YOU join? The NSITSP is committed to transforming our Industry into a Profession. They've established an industry-wide code of ethics and are working to improve the reputation of IT consultants nationwide. Wherever anybody is talking ABOUT IT consultants, NSITSP wants a seat at the table. That includes the media, government regulat