Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 059: Aru Anavekar, Co-Founder and CEO of botsplash, Part II



Today we have Aru Anavekar back joining us on the podcast.  As we learned last week, Aru and her husband Ramu Pulipati are the Co-Founders of botsplash – “a software as a service messaging platform aimed at improving communications between consumers and businesses.”  We focused mostly on Aru and Ramu and how they got to this point.  This week I wanted to focus more on botsplash, the business. So this week, we wanted to talk more about the business and how it’s developing.  We learned last week Ramu is the developer behind the business and Aru is running the business and drumming up new business.  Our conversation focused mostly around the following and just like last week Aru does a great job weaving us in and out of what’s going on. When did they start the business? In a ‘use case’ how would botsplash work for a business segment? They did a big pivot in 2017.  How did the business start? What led them to pivot to their new business model? How are they beginning to use machine learning in the business m