Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 068: Seth Twery: A successful corporate life leads to angel investing and entrepreneurship



A successful corporate career with travel and very good compensation with a well-respected Fortune 500 company comes to an end in 2012 – so an individual can pursue ‘growth.’ What does ‘growth’ even mean as a pursuit?  Can you find it in Charlotte?  What does it look like? How about ‘consciously stumbling’ into the very early days of a little parking app in Charlotte, offering a 5 page critique of their software and eventually becoming an early investor as part of the friends and family raise?  What happens when that company goes on to become Passport and raises in excess of $40 million from the likes of Bain Capital and chases the opportunity to become the next unicorn in Charlotte? What happens when pursuit of ‘growth’ leads you to mentoring early stage companies at QC Fintech and several years later you have the opportunity to work with a successful foreign based company looking to establish their US headquarters in Charlotte, not New York or San Francisco or Austin?  Tookitaki is a Singapore based comp