Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 141: Tyler Traudt, CEO and Co-Founder of DebtBook



Today we welcome Tyler Traudt to the podcast. Tyler is the founder and CEO of DebtBook, a software company that provides debt and lease management software to government, higher education, and healthcare finance teams. After a two-year stint in Citigroup’s public finance investment banking team, Tyler spent several years consulting for public finance teams before connecting with his cofounder, Erik Pelletier. They started DebtBook in 2019 and recently closed a $7.5M Series A round. We cover many topics in this episode, including how Tyler… Signed DebtBook’s first 15 clients pre-product Thinks about fundraising (and why they’ve raised 4 seed rounds) Shaped DebtBook’s culture as it scaled from 0 to 85 FTEs Learned to onboard new employees more quickly Shares DebtBook’s 10-Year Vision regularly with new hires and at All-Hands meetings …as well as a few lessons Tyler learned from reading The Great CEO Within by Matt Mochary. Please enjoy this wide-ranging conversation with Tyler Traudt.   William