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Courts and Inside Information: What Can and Should We Do with What We Learn at Work?



September 22, 2022, A Question of Ethics Episode: A Conversation on Courts and Ethics We are not stockbrokers or day traders, but in our role as court employees we learn a lot. We know about patterns of litigation against businesses and against professionals in the community. We know about protection orders filed against real estate agents; we know about leaking basement litigation; we know about roofing contract litigation. Many cases are sealed and confidential, but most are wide open and available to the public if it takes the time to do the research. Due to the nature of our jobs, we learn about inside information more frequently than the public. · What is the appropriate use of this information? · Have you ever applied information obtained at work to our personal lives? · Do you think it is appropriate for front line staff to share inside court information? · Are there some applications of inside information that are ethically okay? Today’s Moderator Karl Thoennes: Court Administrator for the Second Judi