Creative Thursday

298 What Worked What Didn't 2022



The tradition continues for the 3rd year in a row! I'm back with my 2022 year in review.   At the close of each year, I share a behind-the-scenes studio wrap-up of what worked and what didn't when it came to my art practice and my creative business.   How did my work impact my personal life and this year especially how did my personal life impact my business?   One of the most challenging years filled with a new level of growing pains plus the emotional and physical pains left over from a significant amount of personal health stress ~ I share: my biggest lessons I learned the progress I made in spite of it all what I'm choosing to leave behind what I'm choosing to take with me into 2023 what I'm most grateful for even through the hard lessons learned   Ready to start fresh for 2023 and kick-off your year with clarity + focus for your Art business! Join me for the Profitable Artist Plan   You can find all things Marisa and Creative Thursday and on i