Hyde Park United Methodist

A New Year, A New You - New Years' Day Message // The Rev. Magrey deVega // January 1, 2023



We all know that nothing spectacular happens when the clock strikes midnight, ushering in the new year. I'm sure many of us would like for that to happen, though. The thing is, God is the only one that can see your life in the broadest sense there is. He has his timing and plans for you already laid out. While we may not see, or even see it coming, God wants us to be faithful to him as he is faithful to us. This new year, God wants to write a new covenant with you on your heart. Reflection Questions:1. What is your favorite New Year’s memory? 2. How have you seen God’s transformation and provision in your life, but only in retrospect? 3. How will you recommit your life to Jesus over the coming year?HydeParkUMC.org/NextSteps