Old Christmas by IRVING, Washington

A tale of the quaint and old English traditions of celebrating Christmas. Irving travels to the English countryside and meets an old schoolmate, who invites him home to spend...

A Washington Irving Collection Of Short Stories

A volume of selected stories from Washington Irving's The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Praised by Walter Scott and Lord Byron for its prose, this collection consists of...

Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle, Gent. by IRVING, Washington

The Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle, Gent. (1824) is a compilation of eight humorous and observational letters written by American writer, Washington Irving, under the pseudonym,...

Calum Irving

Hi, this is Calum Irving, here today talk about Internet use and addiction, which some of you might be familiar with seeing as you're on the Internet listening to this right now....

Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Version 2), The by IRVING, Washington

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a short story by Washington Irving contained in his collection The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., written while he was living in Birmingham,...

Insight With Irving

Insight with Irving is a Podcast about life as I view it through my experience. I will focus on a range of topics consisting of every day life. I invite you to take a walk with me...

Irving Bible Podcast

The sermon podcast of Irving Bible Church

Legend of Sleepy Hollow (version 3), The by IRVING, Washington

Everyone knows the story of the Headless Horseman but perhaps you, like me, did not remember what a marvelous story teller Washington Irving was. He observed human nature closely...

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