
Keeper by Kathi AppeltA Discussion Guide Prereading ActivityReferences to mermaids and mermen are woven throughout the story of Keeper and her family.  Ask students to...

Vermelho, Negro E Azul: Uma Jornada Natural

Vermelho, Negro e Azul – Uma Jornada Natural - relata a história de uma série de misteriosos e brutais crimes que são cometidos numa cidadezinha do interior, sem que haja...

O Segredo de Kepler 452b

O segredo de Kepler-452b trata-se de um conto de Ficção científica que produzi como trabalho de conclusão do curso Imagining Other Earths pela Universidade de Princeton. De...

Kepler's Ark

Kepler's Ark is a comedy science-fiction radio play podcast written by Ben Holbrook, directed by Andrew Scoville, sound design by Aaron Mack and produced by Benjamin Williams at...

Culture Keepers

Entertainment, Advice, Motivation, Laughs, Cultural Critiques, and more. Two Educated, Hilarious, and Dope-tastic Black Women. Hosted by Taylor Janae and Ells. IG:...

Maddie Keller

My brother Jordan Keller wrote a book on autism because he has autism the book is called jumbled pieces autism his name is Jordan Keller


Der Technik-Podcast aus dem Keller.

The Keeper

"I believe that we will win."In the summer of 2014, Tim Howard became an overnight sensation after more than ten years as one of America's leading professional soccer...

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