Renso Salvatore

Space dedicated to stream or download set techno and tech house music mixed by Renso Salvatore, oriented dark sounds old school and incorporating the groove of these times,...

Salvatore Quasimodo

Salvatore Quasimodo est l’un des plus grands écrivains de la littérature mondiale, son œuvre est inspirée à l’effort de construire...

Salvatore Quasimodo

Salvatore Quasimodo has been one of the greatest Italian contemporary poets. In 1959 he won the Nobel Prize for literature.The mini-books of Passerino publisher are easy,...

Il Vangelo Arabo Dell'infanzia Del Salvatore

Il Vangelo arabo dell'infanzia è un vangelo apocrifo pervenuto in arabo e siriaco e databile tra il V e il XIII secolo, con maggiore probabilità per...

Living With Honor: A Memoir

This reading group guide for Living With Honor includes an introduction, discussion questions, and ideas for enhancing your book club. The suggested questions are...

Els Anys Salvatges

Amb Els anys salvatges, Xavier Vernetta fa un recorregut per la Barcelona dels anys setanta, quan la cuitat era una festa de creativitat que es movia entre la repressió de la...

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