Pensamentos Sem Pensador: Psicoterapia Pela Perspectiva Budista

Este livro é uma grande contruibuição à discussão de como a espiritualidade oriental pode iluminar a psicologia ocidental. Aqui está o primeiro livro sobre o assunto,...

Vivenciando A Cabala: A Sabedoria Antiga E As Imagens Mentais No Dia A Dia

O renomado psiquiatra Gerald Epstein, pioneiro no estudo e na aplicação das imagens mentais, oferece aqui uma abordagem contemporânea da Cabala por meio de exercícios de...

Usa Road Trip. Objetivo Gran Cañón

La excusa de una graduación para realizar un viaje en coche por el oeste de Estados Unidos hacia la Falla de San Andrés y el Gran Cañón del Colorado."Todo empezó cuando mi...

El Viento En El Rosal Y Otras Historias De Lo Sobrenatural

Una escalofriante colección de una de las autoras más interesantes y tristemente olvidadas del siglo XIX. Mujeres en peligro, pecados del pasado que regresan desde el Más Allá...

The Paleo Diet Book: Lose Weight, Discover Advantages, Recipes And More

Have you tried multiple diets but nothing works? Try this 10,000-year-old formula!Even after years of practicing a diet, some people hardly see any change in their physique. What...

A Summary Of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus: The Classic Guide To Understanding The Opposite Sex

Save time on the go with the compact format and concise summary Quark Notes provides. Explore key quotations from Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus without spending time...

Fasting: The Fourth Of High Grades Of At-taqwa

The Fruit of Fasting:In a holy saying, the Almighty says: “All deeds of son of Adam are done for themselves, except fasting; it is done for Me, and therefore, it is Me who gives...

Mission History - Verschwörung Gegen Hannibal

"Im Jahre 218 v. Chr.: Vor den Toren Cartagenas zieht der große Feldherr Hannibal ein mächtiges Heer zusammen. Gerüchte über einen bevorstehenden Angriff Hannibals auf Rom...

Lost In Adventureland

Lost in Adventureland is an alternate universe story. Imagine walking through a portal at one of the most famous representations of Tiki and Polynesian culture in the world, the...

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market

Hungarian by birth, Nicolas Darvas trained as an economist at the University of Budapest. Reluctant to remain in Hungary until either the Nazis or the Soviets took over, he fled...

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