Descartes E A Filosofia Do Cogito: Uma Iniciação À Filosofia

Nesse guia de leitura através da história da filosofia, Danilo Marcondes seleciona os períodos, pensadores e temas mais representativos dessa tradição, de seu desenvolvimento...

Descartes’ Meditations On First Philosophy

René Descartes is often described as the first modern philosopher, but much of the content of his "Meditations on First Philosophy" can be found in the medieval period that had...

Seo-berater Rene Dhemant

SEO-Knowhow direkt vom ProfiStrategische #SEO Beratung & inhouse Schulungen | Veranstalter @ompforum | #OnlineMarketing

Rene Mantecon Live Show En Spreaker

Bienvenidos al Podcast mas positivo del Internet: Rene Mantecon Live Show motivación, inspiración, crecimiento personal y desarrollo humano.

Speak Into Existence With Rene Reyes

A 7 year Blog Talk radio Veteran Personality; Rene Reyes, Esq; the Distinguished well spoken Philanthropist, Professional Speaker and Business Development Coach always has...

Get Waisted With Rene' Steelman

As the area director for GET WAISTED NORTHWEST, she leads weekly support groups and has adopted a plant-based eating life style. Through this, she has found the cure for her high...

O Erro De Descartes: Emoção, Razão E O Cérebro Humano

Escrito com clareza e graça, este livro revoluciona as relações entre mente e corpo, razão e emoção, ao inverter a famosa proposição cartesiana "penso, logo existo" para...

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